Deep Night Season 12: Isolation Station

Dale quarantines himself along with Galinda, Katrina, and Kid Pepsee for the rest of the foreseeable future in the face of the deadly global pandemic. Speaking from his blanketed fort in the middle of the living room, Dale unleashes some pent up feelings about the state we find ourselves in and what could have been done to prevent this. He also tries to identify his strengths as an isolated person which include his experience as a latchkey kid, his formidable star sign, and his ability to avoid every single online yoga classes. He takes pleasure in simple things like a phone call or an unexpected letter while also offering several ways to support all the amazing artists, writers, musicians, and theater friends who are suddenly without a job. Plus he revisits a hopeful song from past guest, Mercy Bell.

Here’s a link to a list of resources for artists in need of emergency support. And this is specifically for restaurant workers. Be safe, friends.