Deep Night Season 11: The Golden Circle

Dale explores the hidden secrets of the Land of Ice and Fire in a special solo episode. Dale recently returned from a trip to Iceland, where he encountered waterfalls, wee folk, and wind swept moss-covered vistas. Jet-lagged and in awe of the natural wonder of the landscape, Dale doesn’t quite understand what’s happening when a dark energy boards his tour bus. He spends the remainder of his time, on horse back and on the back of a snowmobile, trying to break free of the spell. In the end, he’s fine – and he’s gained a new…companion. Toss your traveling stones into a body of water and settle in for another high stakes adventure through the Deep Night. Plus another edition of Dirt Spirits for all you crystal fans. This week: The Love Stone, aka Rose Quartz.

Weds May 15 – Dale closes out Season 11 with a huge live show! Griffin Newman, Emmy Blotnick, Lindsey Broad, and Sammus are his guests! Tickets and info here: